

You can return your order within 30 days of receiving it. If you received items from one order in several parcels, the 30-days return period begins on the day you received the last parcel.

General Return Conditions

In order for a return to be accepted, it must meet the following conditions:

  • The product must be unused.
  • The product must be in its original state and packaging with the original receipt or any documents included with the package.
  • Accessories must have all parts of the original packaging. Accessories must remain vacuum - sealed if it comes in a sealed packaging.
  • Product must be in the original box with any additional items that come with the package.
  • Returned products are inspected by our Quality Assurance Department. If there is any damage to the product as a result of a manufacturing defect or deviation from factory specifications, we undertake to fully refund the cost of any defective products.

If the defect in the product was caused by reasons other than materials quality or assembly process, the original product will be returned to you. We do not refund products:

  • Obtained from a source other than http://shop.isonicinternational.com/
  • Damaged by abuse or negligence (exposure to chemicals, caustic substances, open flame, high heat, sharp object, etc.)
  • Damaged by misuse or activities other than the intended purpose (use of air fryer to boil water etc.)


You will have 2 return options:

  • Return via Postal Service (postage by consumer)
  • Contact our customer service for the pick up arrangement (cost will incur)


Your refund will be processed as soon as the product you have returned is inspected by our quality assurance team and it is confirmed that it fits within our returns policy. This quality check can take up to 2 weeks, though generally less.

Once the return has been approved, it takes 1-2 days for the refund to be made by iSONIC to your payment services provider (for example your credit card supplier). Please note that the time taken for a payment services provider to provide you with your refund can vary depending upon the provider.

For online bank transfer orders with partial refund:

  • Refund is allowed only to a bank account.
  • Please provide our customer service the bank details.
  • Bank account details are not stored by iSONIC in any of the systems and will be transmitted in encrypted format only.

Provide the details within 10 days of contacting our customer service, or else the case will be closed. Once the case is closed, a new return request through customer service is needed to process the refund process.

Before we can start processing your refund, we need to make sure that your returned products meet our return's condition

As long as your product(s) meet the above criteria, we can reimburse your purchase price . If your returned product(s) don't meet the criteria above, we cannot accept the items and unfortunately won't be able to give you a refund.


We are unable to exchange the products you ordered online and had delivered to your preferred delivery address. However, you can return unwanted products for a refund, and then place a new order.

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